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 * @interface
 * Base class for libsimba Wallet implementations
export default class Wallet {
     * Base class for libsimba Wallet implementations
     * @param signingConfirmation {function} - an optional callback for requesting user permission to sign a
     * transaction. Should resolve a promise with true for accept, and false (or reject) for reject.
    constructor(signingConfirmation) {
            signingConfirmation = ()=>Promise.resolve(true);
        this.signingConfirmation = signingConfirmation;
        if (this.constructor === Wallet) {
            throw new TypeError('Can not construct abstract class.');

        if (this.unlockWallet === Wallet.prototype.unlockWallet) {
            throw new TypeError('Please implement abstract method unlockWallet.');

        if (this.generateWallet === Wallet.prototype.generateWallet) {
            throw new TypeError('Please implement abstract method generateWallet.');

        if (this.deleteWallet === Wallet.prototype.deleteWallet) {
            throw new TypeError('Please implement abstract method deleteWallet.');

        if (this.walletExists === Wallet.prototype.walletExists) {
            throw new TypeError('Please implement abstract method walletExists.');

        if (this.sign === Wallet.prototype.sign) {
            throw new TypeError('Please implement abstract method sign.');

        if (this.getAddress === Wallet.prototype.getAddress) {
            throw new TypeError('Please implement abstract method getAddress.');

     * @abstract
     * (Abstract) Unlock the wallet
     * @param {string} passkey - The pass key to unlock the wallet
     * @returns {Promise} - Returns a promise resolving when the wallet is unlocked
    unlockWallet(passkey) {
        throw new Error('Wallet.unlockWallet Not Implemented');

     * @abstract
     * (Abstract) Generate a wallet
     * @param {string} passkey - The pass key to lock the wallet
     * @returns {Promise} - Returns a promise resolving when the wallet is created
    generateWallet(passkey) {
        throw new Error('Wallet.unlockWallet Not Implemented');

     * @abstract
     * (Abstract) Delete the wallet
    deleteWallet() {
        throw new Error('Wallet.deleteWallet Not Implemented');

     * @abstract
     * (Abstract) Check if a wallet exists
     * @return {boolean} - does the wallet exist
    walletExists() {
        throw new Error('Wallet.deleteWallet Not Implemented');

     * @protected
     * @abstract
     * (Abstract) Sign a transaction payload
     * @param {Object} payload - The transaction to sign
     * @returns {Promise<string>} - Returns a promise resolving to the signed transaction
    sign(payload) {
        throw new Error('Wallet.sign Not Implemented');

     * @abstract
     * (Abstract) Get the wallets address
     * @returns {Promise<string>} - Returns a promise resolving to the wallets address
        throw new Error('Wallet.sign Not Implemented');